On January 14th, a month after the devastating Sandy Hook shootings, the now pregnant Kim Kardashian, soon to have Kanye West's baby, posted a public message saying "Today, people in Newtown are making the #sandyhookpromise to reduce gun violence. Sign the pledge with me at http://www.sandyhookpromise.org".
A promise which states "I Promise to honor the 26 lives lost at Sandy Hook Elementary School. I Promise to do everything I can to encourage and support common sense solutions that make my community and our country safer from similar acts of violence."
Now lets fast forward to less than a month later on February 2nd when Kim decided that posting a picture of a diamond encrusted pistol on her Instagram account was in keeping of that promise... As you would anticipate Kim's fans and the media immediately called her out for her lack of taste and stamped her as a hypocrite. Soon after the post was deleted from her Instagram...I guess she does have some sense after the fact.
Good Job Kim...
You can still be for a cause and have a gun or have something to do with a gun..normal ppl have the same views..If I had a gun id sign it as well...just wish it would be harder for ppl to get guns..to many senseless killings with them
ReplyDeleteThat gun was hot though I want one!!!