Reality Show

NO SHE DIDN'T! "Gossip Game" Reality Star K. Foxx Rubbing Bloggers The Wrong Way!... Lets Chop It Up!

April 01, 2013GWL Staff

Vh1's the "Gossip Game" reality star and Hot 97s radio hostess K. Foxx, someone who I didn't know about until tonight because I'm such a big fan of the Breakfast Club, is rubbing some of us bloggers the wrong way. Let's chop it up!

So, during the show's big premiere, Ms. Foxx decided to pass an assertion that bloggers are at the bottom of the line, and doesn't like them because all they do is just stay home, blog, eat chips and masturbate at the same damn time. 

Like seriously, "How you know that?" ...we're not like you, because all you do is dry snitching and kissing Funkmaster Flexx's azz along with the rest of Hot 97!

My thing is this, bloggers help to promote whatever your selling and keep celebs relevant! Radio stations need us, and if we don't blog, you ain't got a story to keep your listeners entertained.

Plus, Ms. Foxx your make-up tonight was too struggled and looked like you was stuck between a coyote and a hyena.. Girl bye!

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  1. messed up...and I liked her on hot 97...smh

  2. #dead i have a feeling k fox is going to rub alot of people the wrong way

  3. She will be searching for a JOB very soon!

  4. Lol at the 'stay home, eat chips, blog & masturbate at the same damn time' line. That's hilarious! And what's that people say..."A hit dog will holler" PS: love this blog - it's all in good fun

  5. I used to be a listener of hot 97 now I am a breakfast club person because they're hella hilarious

  6. This woman is so pretty. I love her hair and glowing skin.

  7. K. Foxx might be a little warped on her words but DAMN she a sexy beautiful chick. Those lips of hers are hypnotizing

  8. That K. Foxx b*tch looks like she be s**king d*cks for days!

  9. I agree, it's the bloggers keeping half of these stupid shows on the air.


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