Basketball Wives LA Laura Govan

Basketball Wives LA: Laura Govan BURNS HER WEDDING DRESS!

May 23, 2013Unknown

In an attempt to stay relevant in light of the rumored cancellation of Basketball Housewives: LA the reality star Laura Govan engaged to NBA player Gilbert Arenas, decided it would be a good idea to burn her wedding dress!

She supposedly set her satin to flames in order to raise "awareness" about women's roles in society.

According to Laura,
I just don’t like the way the public perceives women who aren’t married vs. the way they perceive women that are. People place so much value on having a great wedding instead of having a great relationship; that’s why you see people get married and divorced so quickly. I’ve been with the same man for 12 years, we have four children and we’re happy. Focus on that.
Apparently burning the dress also represented her starting a life. She explains:
For me burning the dress in the photo was my way of re-introducing myself; for many people my name is synonymous with Basketball Wives and although that’s part of me, it doesn’t define me. I just felt like, ‘Let’s start fresh. Hi. My name is Laura Govan, ignore the BS you think you may know and get to know the real me.’
We're not sure if her goal was accomplished, but she definitely put herself in the hot seat with this one - I wonder how her husband feels...

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  1. What husband she's just trying to stay relevant and all that plastic surgery she did to herself and they cancelled the show lol


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