Amanda Bynes Cissy Houston

Nick Cannon PENS Open Letter to Amanda Bynes + Cissy Houston's Open Letter To Bobbi Kristina!

August 01, 2013GWL Staff

In a post on his personal website on Wednesday, actor and businessman Nick Cannon wrote an open letter to his former Nickelodeon "All That" co-star Amanda Bynes, blaming the industry for her downward spiral and says her situation is no laughing matter.

Cannon, who also refers to Bynes as his "sister" while adding "she's not alone" in the letter, says:
“I tweeted a few weeks about how the entertainment industry just consumes people and spits them out like flavorless bubblegum,” he wrote. 
“A few chews of enjoyment then they’re under a city bus bench. Don’t get me wrong this is not a pity for the popular statement. I am always the first to say that fame and entertainment is one of the best and easiest occupations to ever have, but one must know how to navigate through the matrix or you may find yourself in a very dark hole.” 
He goes on to say, “Imagine being the breadwinner in your household before you can even drive” or never hearing the word “no.” Although being a celebrity comes with fame and fortune, it also comes with its pitfalls, he noted. A lack of balance, no sufficient support system and media scrutiny are just some of the challenges.
He continued,
“So I say to my sister Amanda Bynes you’re not alone. I’m here for you. I understand. I care and I appreciate you, because that’s what family does and that’s what family is for. 
I also extend this to anyone else in my life, past or present that may find themselves in hard times. I’m here! Call me! Because I truly believe, the hand you’re helping up today may be the one you’re reaching for tomorrow. 
So not to be all cheesy and over sentimental but I got to end this with the ingenious Wither’s lyrics ‘Lean on me when you’re not strong and I’ll be your friend, I’ll help you carry on. For it won’t be long until I’ll need somebody to lean on.’”
According to Eurweb, Bynes is currently under involuntary psychiatric hold in a Ventura, Calif., facility, the Los Angeles Times notes. She was detained on July 22 for starting a fire in the driveway of a Thousand Oaks home belonging to an elderly woman she has no connection to. 

The 5150 hold came after months of increasingly bizarre behavior. The actress has appealed a judge’s order for her to remain in the facility for 14 days.

Plus, check out Nick's "me sexy" video below:

In other "OPEN LETTER" news:

Yesterday, Cissy Houston released an emotional open letter to her grand-daughter Bobbi Kristina...basically letting her know that she misses her and only wants what's best including good health and happiness.

See letter below:

Dear Krissi, 

 I love you. My heart is full. I don’t know where to begin. You may think I don’t understand you and what you’re feeling but remember, Baby, I lost my mom when I was just a child. So, I do know some of the sadness and loneliness of your life since your mom passed away. 

Although I know her spirit is with you always, I cry with you and for you. I grieve with you and for you … for all of the days and nights you need to tell her something or ask her advice or just hear her voice … and she’s not there. For all of the times when you need to put your head in her lap or feel her arms around you and she’s not there … For the good and happy times you want to share with her; for the fun and laughter you enjoyed together, but she’s not there … for every day and every night you just miss her … I know. 

She was your mom and she was my child and Krissi, I loved her too, more than you might imagine. I know you were upset that I wrote my book, “Remembering Whitney," but I hope one day you’ll read it and understand that I just wanted to let the world see some of My Nippy—the sweet, friendly, loving little girl with the extraordinary beauty and boundless talent, who grew into the superstar and musical icon the world saw. I want people to know—fans and critics and ordinary people alike—Nippy was a whole person, and like all of us, she was good and bad AND she was my joy! 

Krissi, all I want for you is your good health and your happiness. I want you to have a good life that you can be proud of. Do I want you to get married in the near future? No, I don’t. I think you’re too young and I wish you’d wait. But that’s because I’m Grandma. I’m supposed to worry about you. I’m supposed to wonder If Nick or ANY man is good enough for you, My Baby’s Baby. I’m not angry with Nick and I don’t think, nor did I ever say anything hurtful about him to anyone. I have NEVER publicly commented on your personal life and I don’t intend to. So in the future when you read or hear that Cissy Houston said this or Cissy Houston said that, be confident in the knowledge that it isn’t true. 

I try to believe that when your mother passed away the world decided that you belong to them as she did. I’m trying very hard to trust that people who make comments or offer their opinions about you are sincere in their desire for you to be happy. I can only hope they come to realize the best they can offer you is their prayers. 

Krissi, as many years as I’ve lived and as many experiences as I’ve had I know I don’t have all of the answers. I do know this, Baby Girl: God’s got you and so do I. 

With all my love, Grandma

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