Robert Williams
Shaquille O'Neal
Shaquille O'Neal Under Investigation For An Alleged Assault Against Co-Worker At Turner Studios!
March 24, 2014UnknownAccording to Channel 2 Action News, former NBA star Shaquille O'Neal could be facing charges for an alleged assault.
The Atlanta Police Department has Shaq under investigation for what a co-worker claims happened at Turner Studios.
The police report detailing the incident says that Shaq tackle-punched his co-worker Robert Williams to the ground causing injury to his back while they were at work at Turner Studios.
The incident allegedly took place on May 19th on Techwood Drive and 10th Street, but so far O'Neal has not been charged with anything.
O’Neal’s attorney, Dennis Roach, released a statement about the incident saying, "This was nothing more than horseplay. No one intended for anyone to get injured."
Hopefully these two co-workers can work thing out, but we'll keep you updated.