Dwayne Wade
Dwayne Wade Has Exclusive Interview On ESPN: Face To Face With Hannah Storm!
April 17, 2014UnknownDwayne Wade will appear in a 12-minute interview on ESPN's "NBA Face To Face With Hannah Storm" this Friday at 7PM.
According to THC, The ESPN special will include several interviews of NBA players leading up to the NBA Playoffs.
One of the artist for the ESPN show, Joe Iurato, recently spoke to the public about the new project and how it began.
"I was fortunate to receive an email a few months back from Gustavo Coletti, a features producer for ESPN. His vision for this NBA edition of "Face to Face with Hannah Storm" fell right in line with the style of art I create, which is mainly done with stencils and spray paint. I'd done a fair amount of sports related commissions in the past, and I was always particularly into doing the NBA stuff. Urban art and basketball, at their roots, share a great synergy. So, of course I was thrilled to take on the job."
"The idea was to create portrait installations in a raw space, with each one specific to a different interview in the show. I brought two good friends and fellow artists to work with me on the project, Logan Hicks and Rubin. Together, we created four installations inside of a 200,000 square foot vacant factory in Jersey City, NJ, which was offered to us by Mana Contemporary without limitations. We could paint the walls, windows, stairwells, anything. Nothing was off-limits. And for two days, we had a blast creating art in this massive space while the ESPN film crew followed us around with some serious gear. It was a great experience, and I want to extend my deepest gratitude to Gustavo for letting do our thing with very little interruption. Also, many thanks to Hannah Storm and ESPN. It was a pleasure to work on this one."
Check out photos of the set art below:
Make sure to check out the interview this Friday at 7PM!