Lindsay Lohan Wants To Party In Europe Instead Of Going To Community Service

Lindsay Lohan Wants To Party In Europe Instead Of Going To Community Service

August 09, 2011Gossipwelove

Despite being sternly warned by the judge handling Lindsay Lohan's probation, stemming from her no contest plea to misdemeanor theft, to hunker down
and complete her community service at the Downtown Women's Center, and the Los Angeles County Coroner's Office, has learned the 25-year-old is thumbing her nose at her responsibilities and even wants to travel to Europe to party with friends!

Instead of doing community service, Lindsay was spotted at Lollapooloza in Chicago over the weekend, and was at the Coldplay concert in Los Angeles last Wednesday and now the unemployed actress wants to go party in Europe with Paris and Nicky Hilton. The Hiltonsisters are currently vacationing in the south of France.

Her father Michael Lohan stressed that he's very worried about his daughter not complying in a timely matter with Judge Stephanie Sautner's strict orders.
"After all she's been through in the court system and the opportunity she's been given to do her time outside of the prison system I would hate to see that opportunity go to waste," Michael says. "She has so much talent and so much opportunity I hope she doesn't take it for granted by being side tracked by the wrong people.  She's just being set up for failure."

Another source close to the situation said Lindsay has other plans that are more pressing than performing her community service.
"Lindsay wants to go to Europe to spend time with Paris and Nicky. Lindsay's advisors are telling her it's just not a good idea for her to go. But, Lindsay doesn't have any travel restrictions on her, she can travel internationally."

Lindsay does have a year to comply with terms of her probation, but she was ordered to do a whopping 480 hours. She must do 380 hours at the women's shelter, but she's only completed about 40 hours of that portion.
She was also ordered to do 100 hours at the Los Angeles County Coroner's Office. Given Lindsay's previous issues with completing various programs as been ordered to complete, Lindsay's advisors want her to hunker down and get it done. "The sooner Lindsay gets this done, the better," the insider says.

"Lindsay takes her community service commitment very seriously and is working towards completing it in it's entirety," Steve Honig's spokesperson.

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