The Best Songs With Your Windows DOWN!!!

April 12, 2012Gossipwelove

This post brought to you by Kia Rio. All opinions are 100% mine.

I’m dreaming, hoping, and wishing for summer. I can’t wait to drive my car with the windows rolled down, the sun shinning on me and having an amazing time. While people trying to talk to me and I'll be saying "I CAN'T HEAR YOU"!!
We’re not quite there yet but I’m preparing in every way I can. Im still washing’ winter coats “for the last time” only to have frigid weather return. I squint frequently at the chalky gray sky, searching for signs of sun.
Most importantly, I’ve put together a playlist full of songs to play with the windows rolled DOWN. When I told my friends it was time to create a “windows down” playlist for their MP3 player of the questionable “fruity” variety, they suggested that songs on this list should be ones that are fun to drive to but also not embarrassing to be listening to as other people will hear them when we’re stopped at a light. And that's the best time to BLAST music from the "Best Songs with your Windows Down" playlist.
It's really easy to add music to your "Best Songs with your Windows Down" playlist . Just go to the fan page on facebook, enter the name of the artist, click search and please remember to enter your email address and click submit. After doing that you can click on the little white circles to add the songs you' have chosen to your playlists. You can even download spotify which gives you thousands of music to listen to for free and right now I'm dancing to Michael Jackson (Shake Your Body Down To The Ground).
So here’s my current Windows Down Playlist:

Im a big fan of Michael Jackson, Chris Brown, Rihanna and Adele. I love these songs because Adele helps me to get over sad relationships and the other three LETS ME FIST PUMP, YAY!! There are new songs uploaded everyday, and im still adding music! Go get yours now and be apart of the "Best Songs with your Windows Down" playlist family. Also there is a new VOICE-Activated UVO infotainment System powered by Microsoft with the new KIA RIO for more information check out 

Leave a comment below on how you feel about this hot playlist and Happy MUSIC BLASTING!
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