Fantasia Burrino

Fantasia's "Wardrobe Malfunction" During Her Performance In Philadelphia! (Photos)

July 14, 2012GWL Staff

On Thursday, R&B singer Fantasia performed in Philadelphia, PA and her stage performance didn't leave that much of an impression on the audience as her choice of outfit did. Check out the pics below along with new photos of her son Dallas.

Clearly this girl has no friends, and why would her stylist let her go on stage looking like a H.A.M. And what's going on with that right thigh? One thigh sheer Spanx?

Fantasia needs to re-evaluate her staff, STAT! plus check out the new pics of her son Dallas which she posted on Instagram.


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  1. I was at this concert Thurs night, she looked a hot mess but she sounded fantastic. My biggest issue with her was that this B***** refused, I mean absolutely refused to stay her ASS on the stage. She insisted on singing in the audience and seemed visibly annoyed that they wanted her to sing on the stage, her security basically gave up, Philly police were escorting her around during the concert. You couldn't see anything most of the time she was performing since the people mobbed her and there was no camera coverage. I won't pay to see her again.

  2. She has such a great voice. adorable kids!! so many opportunities. seems like she just CANT seem to get it together. she's in my prayers. not just for the outfit but for other reasons too

  3. This woman definately has no real friends. Her son is adorable.


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