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Jessica Simpson's Dad 'Joe Simpson' Model Boyfriend Is A Fame Seeking Wh*re!

October 29, 2012GWL Staff

Jessica Simpson's dad Joe Simpson who recently came out the closet, is said to be dating 21 year-old model, Bryce Chandler Hill.

According to new reports, Bryce has been bragging about dating the 54 year-old for over a year now, just to boost his entertainment career, said a family member of Joe.
"Bryce is desperate to become famous, he's done lots of modeling shoots and wants to become an actor." a source told RadarOnline.
"When he met Joe, he knew what a good job he had done in managing Jessica and Ashlee's careers and wanted a piece of the pie himself."
The source then added: 
"Joe, on the other hand, truly cares for the male model. Plus, Bryce is a good friend of Joe's daughters and used to be a backup dancer for Britney Spears.
But the sad thing about this whole thing is that Bryce mocks and laughs at Joe behind his back, because he doesn't care two cents about him."
Also, according to the NYdaily, Jessica had absolutely no clue that her father was gay, not even the slightest inkling. And she thinks she has very good gaydar, especially since a lot of he friends are gay, but she did not see this coming at all.

Another source reports, "It was a complete shock to the system, she feels terribly for her mom who was left reeling by the announcement."

Tina Simpson, who filed for divorce from Joe in September, after Joe was arrested for driving under the influence the previous month, is claiming that the National Enquirer outed her husband but wasn't really taking it too serious until now.

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