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Aaron Hernandez's Boyfriend Kyle Kennedy Demands for Prison Officials to Release Suicide Note!
April 25, 2017GWL StaffAccording to the DailyMail, the night before Aaron hung himself he had requested prison authorities to allow his male lover to share his cell with him but his request was denied. The former New England Patriot, who was serving a life sentence without possibility of parole, was alone in a cell built for two and wanted company and he specifically chose 22-year-old armed robber Kyle — the man he left one of his three suicide notes.
Via the Daily Mail:
Kennedy's attorney Larry Army Jr. confirmed that Hernandez had made the request to authorities at the maximum security Souza-Baranowski lock-up in Shirley, Massachusetts.
Kyle Kennedy was so devastated by Hernendez suicide he was placed on suicide watch. My client is obviously saddened by the loss of his friend, Aaron Hernandez,' Kyle Kennedy's lawyer Larry Army, Jr. said Monday evening
Aaron Hernandez had requested to the prison that my client, Kyle Kennedy be his cellmate,' Army, managing partner of the Boston firm Army & Roche, told in an exclusive interview. He said Kennedy was open to the idea. 'If he was going to be in with someone else why not Aaron Hernandez,' he said. Massachusetts Corrections Department spokesman Christopher Fallon did not immediately return a call for comment.
Kennedy was jailed in 2015 for robbing a Cumberland Farms store in Northbridge, Massachusetts at knifepoint. He bargained down an original charge of armed and masked robbery to the lesser charge of armed robbery and received a sentence of 3-5 years.Insiders told the site, Kennedy became quite friendly with Hernandez during his time in the maximum security prison that when the 27-year-old football star decided to hang himself he was one of just three people to whom he wrote suicide notes. The other two were for his fiancée Shayanna Jenkins-Hernandez and their 4-year-old daughter Avielle. Army said Kennedy has not been shown the suicide note.

The site also reports that 'Neither [Kennedy's attorney], nor [his] client, have seen the letter.'
'We will be requesting that the letter be turned over to my client as soon as possible.' On Monday, the day of Hernandez's funeral in his hometown of Bristol, Connecticut, a judge ruled that the notes be handed over to Jenkins-Hernandez. Kennedy is now off the suicide watch that he was placed on after his lover's death, Army said. 'My client is obviously saddened by the loss of his friend, Aaron Hernandez,' he said.It was reported on Monday that Hernandez's body tested positive for the synthetic marijuana, K2.
Source: Daily Mail UK