glamour magazine Rita Ora

Rita Ora Addresses Rob Kardashian Romance, Feeling Lonely & More In Glamour Magazine!

December 05, 2012GWL Staff

British singer Rita Ora is finally opening up about her past relationship with ex-beau Rob Kardashian,(who went on a Twitter rant on Monday accusing Ora of cheating on him with 20 dudes), during a sit down with UK's Glamour Magazine.

Here's what she had to say:
"I'm not going out with Rob. We were close for a while, but it didn't work because I was never there," she said (via Daily Mail). "I was like a ghost. I used to get so frustrated with myself and then wonder why I was angry, so I decided it was best to keep it friendly -- especially at the moment, when there's so much going on."
Admitting to the magazine that she has never been in love:
"In 22 years, there's been nothing. I have had young fascinations but never love," Ora confessed. "I think it's my only weakness. I'm scared of letting my guard down, and if I feel in love with someone now, he'd have to try ten times harder to break it down."
However, Rob has retracted his story and denies talking about the British singer because he has a lot of respect for women.

The new January 2013 issue hits newsstands tomorrow.

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  1. is this really newsworthy (yellow)

  2. I personally don't think she is...its like she been told to act like Rihanna's shadow..

  3. wow #datzhott (purple)


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