Chad Johnson Chad Ochocinco

Evelyn Lozada Explains Her Date Night With Chad "Ochocinco" Johnson!

January 01, 2013GWL Staff

"Basketball Wives: Miami" reality star Evelyn Lozada is speaking out about her recent family date night with Chad "Ochocinco" Johnson after the couple appeared hand-in-hand at the Southstreet restaurant in Miami-- making it their very first public appearance together without the help of a security team.

Here's what Ev had to say via her Website:
I attended a dinner with Chad’s daughter, not only because I love baby girl like my own, but to support Chad and his fan appreciation dinner. While at the dinner, several photos popped up on the Internet of Chad and I holding hands, while in the process of blessing the food. The blogs made last night seem as though, we walked hand and hand into the restaurant announcing a reunion, which wasn’t the case. 
I care for Chad, we are friends and we love one another, however, we are still separated, not living under the same roof and working on ourselves because we have a long way to go. This is a normal and realistic process for anyone and I don’t know what the future holds for me, but I know God holds it and I’m taking things one day at a time. I appreciate the love from so many of you and right now I’m still working on becoming a better person. 
Chad and I are attending therapy separately, meeting with a Life Coach and trying to figure out how to work on our individual selves and navigate through this entire ordeal.
And with Ev and Chad now living together, the former Eagle and un-employed NFLer recently tweeted that they are indeed sharing a bed together.

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  1. I know she doesn't owe us an explanation, but she is a celebrity, she has fans that idolize her...and what she's basically saying is its okay for a man to beat his woman, and it is okay for the woman to go back. SERIOUSLY?? this man has a bad rap sheet.

  2. Ummmm . . . ok. cobalt.

  3. Rihanna she is stealing ur story line....

  4. this bitch needs to get a mind of her own...if Rihanna didn't take Chris back she wouldn't give two cents about Chad's black ass.


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