Christmas Katie Holmes

Katie Holmes STANDS HER GROUND "Tom Cruise Can't Have Suri..."

January 01, 2013Unknown

Last Thanksgiving Tom Cruise, star of the new movie Jack Reacher, had his daughter Suri all by himself the entire time, but this Christmas mother of their child and famous actor, Katie Holmes, had Suri to for the holidays and she said Tom "needs to get used to it".

An insider close to the former couple told In Touch"Katie wants to teach Suri that this is a time for family" so Katie supposedly took Suri to her hometown of Toledo, Ohio with her parents.

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  1. There's no telling how much Katie is going through after her divorce with that nut.

  2. I personally thought Cruise was like a good guy, but after he turned such a good girl away from him while trying to take her daughter. I lost my respect for him. He's such a loser.

  3. Para mim foi uma decepção tudo que eu li sobre Tom Cruise. Inseguro, reprimido, emocionalmente infantil.


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