Kanye West Kim Kardashian

Kim Kardashian Won't Marry Kanye West & Doesn't Want His Baby While Still Married To Kris Humphries

January 09, 2013Unknown

Apparently, reality star Kim Kardashian is still married to NBA player Kris Humphries of the Nets, who happens to be employed under Kanye West's comrade Jay-Z. Inside sources say that Kim K does not want to have a baby with Kanye while she is still married to Kris Humphries, and is furious with the NBA star because supposedly he has been spitefully dragging out the divorce for nearly 2 years now.

Sources also tell us that Kim is not in any sort of rush to get married to Yeezy just because they have a baby on the way. So don't expect a new ring on anyone's finger!

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  1. I knew from the jump that Ye wasnt going to marry her! And Kris just aint trying to pay up the case fees.

  2. Didnt kris just have a baby with that mila girl he was with? ? Yall know the one that said he had herpies?

    1. No she lied about the whole thing

  3. LOL..who really care tho..seriously? ??

  4. I understand why she wouldn't wanna be married to another man while carrying some one else's baby. But why's Kris so bitter anyway? Just get it over with dude!

  5. kris seems real bitter...why won't he just go on and sign them papers

  6. Kanye ain't gonna marry her.... sh*t the baby is probably Ray J's, or Kris' it would be so funny if that baby comes out looking like Ray or white looking like Kris... #nooffense

  7. All I can do is shake my head at they whole situation!!--pink


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