Beyonce GQ magazine

YES GAWWD: GQ Magazine Releases Beyonce's OFFICIAL COVER! [Photos]

January 09, 2013GWL Staff

Pop Diva Beyonce is setting a statement with her banging body after giving birth to her first child a year ago to now being one of GQ Magazine's top 100 "Sexiest Women of the 21st Century" and shows it off on the February 2013 cover of the mag.

Despite the official photo being released today by GQ, Bey talks about balancing her career and family, performing at the 2013 SuperBowls and more.

The magazine is said to release the full interview and more photos from the singer's spread on January 15th, with the new issue hitting stands on January 22nd.

Bey is definitely serving up bootyliousness!..... So is this a Yes GAWWD or a Please GAWWD No?

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  1. nnnnneeeexxxxtt
    she should be past these kind of pictures now.

  2. @Est_Wood77 she lookin thinner (007) hi hater


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