Lauryn Hill

Lauryn Hill Signs $1 Million Deal with Sony To Avoid Prison Time!

April 24, 2013GWL Staff

After a New Jersey federal judge gave soul singer Lauryn Hill two weeks to repay a portion of her $968,000 tax debt last week, the singer has now signed a million-dollar recording contract with Sony to avoid prison time on May 6th.

An insider tells GWL, Ms. Hill, who has ignored the label for 15 years, took the  $1 million record deal to produce five songs, and plans to take out a bank loan of $650K to help pay off the bill.

Hill, who pleaded guilty to tax invasion after failing to pay taxes on $1.8 million earned between 2005 and 2007, now stands at $504,000, after making a payment of $50,000 late last year. 

Plus, the 37 year-old has not released a new album since 2002's "MTV Unplugged No. 2.0." So, this should be quite interesting!

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  1. First she's a slave to the IRS, now she's a slave to Sony. Poor thing.

  2. gotta make that money honey....smh


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