Kendrick Lamar Magazines

Erykah Badu Interviews Kendrick Lamar For Interview Magazine, Talks Top 10 Favorite Artists, Growing Up In Compton & More!

May 09, 2013GWL Staff

In an hilarious interview with Erykah Badu for Interview Magazine's May 2013 Music issue, 25 year-old rapper Kendrick Lamar continues talk about his love for cereal,(Fruity Pebbles), favorite food and alcohol beverage being "Baked Chicken and Hennessy," while opening up about his top 10 favorite artists, his take on womanhood, growing up in Compton, Los Angeles., having a successful career and more.

Here's what he had to say:

On womanhood:

“There’s just a certain knowledge instilled in a woman. There are these things that women have that men just can’t grasp: the understanding of love; the understanding of being; having a certain type of care in your heart and knowing when to be compassionate; knowing how to be a confidante . . .”
Ms. Badu also took a stand speaking on being a man versus being a woman, saying:
“Because I have no memory of my past lives, I don’t know what it feels like to be a man. I think I would like to experience it, though. I mean, I’m happy that I am who I am, but being a woman in her forties ain’t no joke, man. I’m tellin’ you . . . This is some other-ness shit. There’s a hormone that gets released called “I don’t give a fuck”—it is heavy.” I had to put that as my status on FB, because even though I am in my early thirties…. I have this same type of aura about me…. It’s real yall…."

On his favorite top 10 artists:

"I would have to say my favorite top 10 artists are, Jay-Z, Tupac, Eminem, Andre' 3000, Kurupt, Rakim, Snoop Dogg, B.I.G, Nas, and DMX.
On growing up in Compton with not much to now having everything he wants in life:
"I always thought money was something just to make me happy. But I've learned that I feel better being able to help my folks, 'cause we never had nothing. So just to see them excited about my career is more of a blessing than me actually having it for myself. 
My folks ain't graduated from high school or nothing like that, so we always had to struggle in the family—and I come from a big family. But as far as me handling this, it's a weird feeling because it's like a blur right now. I think my worst problem is actually living in the moment and understanding everything that's going on. I feel like I'm in my own bubble. 
People tell me all the time, "You're crazy, going there by yourself," because it wouldn't have soaked in yet that I'm supposed to be quote "Kendrick Lamar"—whoever this guy's supposed to be. I still feel like me. So it's really about me trying to adapt—that's like the toughest thing for me right now. I feel like I'm in my own world."
On what it was like growing up in Compton:
"My mom's got 14 brothers and sisters, my pop's got 10. They started in Chicago and came to L.A. . . .Well, they actually came to Compton—just them two—in '84, and then they had me in '87. But they paved the way for all my uncles and aunties and my cousins—eventually everybody came out. 
At one particular time, in the early '90s, we all stayed in the two black neighborhoods in Compton. So it was one of them things where it was like we were the neighborhood. So, as a kid, I was watching all of these things going on—parties, drinking, smoking, violence. But I was totally oblivious to it because I felt like it was just life. At the same time, I had birthdays and Christmas and holidays, which allowed me to actually be a kid. 
It gave me the ability to be a dreamer. That's what separated me from all my homeboys—the fact that I didn't get caught inside the reality. I was always dreaming about doing something else or going somewhere else."
To read more, click here...

Check out more pics from his Interview Mag photo-shoot below:

Side note: Thank god he made it out of that interview single and not a father. Ya'll know Erykah hasn't had a child in like a minute years, and you know she's still fertile. I'm just saying...don't like it...then sue me! LMAO!!!

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  1. Oooooo his so her type too...ol deep & shit...Kendrick u better watch out...u may become baby daddy number


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