gay and bisexual community Jason Collins

NBA Baller Jason Collins Inspires High School Basketball Player To Be Comfortable Being Gay!

May 09, 2013GWL Staff

When you inspire, they will come out making poetry! Wait, I hope I said that right?!!

Anyhow, Jason Collins, whose the first openly active gay baller in the NBA, is inspiring closeted gay athletes across the country. As a high school student at Hollywood Hills High by the name of Leo Washington and the co-captain of the school's football team is saying Collins' coming out was what he needed to strive on.

The once troubled teen, who was afraid to take on the harsh world of homophobia after his sophomore year when he lived in Georgia, said he endured bullying in the halls and was constantly humiliated by his football teammate.

Here's what he had to say:
"I had my own dressing room. I had to dress in the girl's dressing room, it was just that crazy."
But all that changed for Leo was he was convinced to enroll in Hollywood Hills High School. A school that celebrates diversity, and students who accepted him and a team that embraced him.

Check out the interview below:

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