Chris Brown Lawsuit

Chris Brown's Nightclub Accuser Files A $25,000 Lawsuit + Breezy Has His Lamborghini Aventador Painted To Match His Nike Camo Foamposites!

July 25, 2013GWL Staff

Despite a L.A judge revoking his probation and the singer facing jail time,  Chris Brown still has to deal with 24 year-old Deanna Gines who claims the singer violently shoved her to the ground last month inside Heat Ultra Lounging in the O.C., tearing ligaments in her right knee.

However, 25 year-old Chris denied the allegations and the club owner said Gines was full of crap. Deanna told TMZ, "I only wanted an apology from Chris, not his money. But I never received that apology." 

So now, she's suing him and the nightclub for Assault, Battery, and (wait for it) Intentional Infliction of Emotional Distress-- with a fat paycheck of $25,000.

The owner of Heat Ultra Lounge in Anaheim had this to say:
“Based on the information which we have gathered from our security company, mall security, and other party goers which were at HEAT on Saturday night; It is apparent that the alleged incident regarding Chris Brown is false.”The owner says 24-year-old Deanna Gines had repeatedly tried to jump on stage during Chris’ performance at the club — and later tried to rush Chris in his roped-off VIP area.
The owner says Gines got tossed as a result of her behavior — and while being taken out, "Gines took off her heels and threw them at security. Cops were called to arrest Gines, but eventually let her go home with her friends. 

As for any potential injuries Gines may have suffered while being kicked out, the owner simply said, “Heat staff and security did what they had to do … [Chris] was a complete gentleman.”

And over the weekend, Brown took his Lamborghini Aventador to JCs Custom Paint to get a fresh paint job to match his Nike Foamposite Camo shoe. Check out the pics below:


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