Miley Cyrus paula patton

Paula Patton RESPONDS To Miley Cyrus Twerking On Robin Thicke & TWERKS on Al Roker!

September 18, 2013Unknown

Paula Patton's reaction to Miley Cyrus twerking on her husband, Robin Thicke, is not so shocking! Apparently, Paula sees nothing wrong with a little bump and grind, especially if it's with a 20-year-old.

The actress says that basically the act was for promotional purposes and she was not bothered by it. And just to prove her point, the following morning while she was on the Today's Show she twerked on Al Rocker. She also stated that all her friends dance on Robin like Miley did, but it's just for fun.

Then she added,

"I want him to express himself however he feels, and he lets me do the same."
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