celebrity engagements T.I

Rapper T.I. Address Divorce Rumors in Jhene Aiko's "The Worst" Remix

May 10, 2014GWL Staff

In recent months there have been numerous reports of rapper T.I and wife Tameka "Tiny" Harris' rocky relationship with one report claiming the couple might be heading for a divorce after their nasty argument the night before the 2014 Grammy Awards show.

Despite taking subliminal shots at each other on Instagram and another report claiming the rapper has moved out and into a $4 mil bachelor pad, the reality TV couple have however shot down the reports of them breaking up ...until now.

The "Hustle Gang" boss man have released a new remix of Jhene Aiko's "The Worst" seemingly affirming the tension between him and Tiny were true and hints about having a "love child" out of wedlock. He raps:
Well maybe I’ma just go spend $4 mil on crib/Not another jet/All the kids wanna know where they little brother’s at/Got damn I ain’t even told my mother yet/...Yeah, I know I was clowning/I know you wasn’t just going to take that laying down/and I’ll be the first to say it/I was dead wrong/But if it isn’t worth shooting me in the head don’t take to social media to try me/Putting folk all in our B.I./ all on IG/Nah, I don’t believe it/ I don’t wanna see it/Maybe I wake up tomorrow it’ll be deleted/You out the country in bikinis on beaches/While I’m in the studio doing features like…
Do you think the King of The South's marriage is really on the rocks? Either way, the couple has remained relatively silent about the situation. Listen to the track below:

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  1. He really put it put it all out there on this song


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