EXCLUSIVE: Jesse James Leaves Rehab After Sandra Bullock Won’t Take His Phone Call

April 04, 2010Gossipwelove

Jesse James bolted from Sierra Tucson
rehab after Sandra Bullock refused to take his phone call

Jesse desperately wants to put the marriage back together and his lawyer recently described him as a “broken man.” He went into rehab for sex addiction treatment on his own, without Sandra requesting he get help.

PHOTO: Celebrity Cheaters

But when she refused to take his call, he took off, a source familiar with the situation told RadarOnline.com exclusively.

PHOTO: Movie’s Sexiest Cheaters

And that has Bullock worried – because she doesn’t want to see him and she doesn’t want him trying to get face-to-face. But Bullock has a top security company, the source said, and it would be very difficult for James to get near her if she doesn’t want him around.


PHOTO: Sandra Bullock’s Early Years in Hollywood 

On Sunday James was looking for a group therapy meeting the source said, adding that his problems go beyond sex addiction.
Star Magazine first reported Jesse left rehab and was staying with a friend. RadarOnline.com learned the trigger that caused Jesse to go AWOL was his inability to get Sandra to do what he wants.

PHOTO: Sandra and Jesse over the years

“He wants the marriage back,” the source said. “And then she refused to take one of his calls from the rehab center
and he got furious and left.”
It is possible that Jesse will go back into rehab, the source adds, but his behavior is difficult to predict.

PHOTO: Sandra & Her Past Loves

“He’s told people he’s going back in,” the source told RadarOnline.com exclusively. “But right now it’s impossible to predict what he’ll do next.”
A spokesperson at the Sierra Tucson refused to “confirm or deny” that James had left the treatment center, when contacted by RadarOnline.com.
James' attorney Joe Yanny has not returned repeated calls.

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