2011 2012

CHE BLAQ - "Shoulda Left" [New Music]

January 18, 2012GWL Staff

There will always be some talented artist willing to take their places. .....But helping them to sharing their music is always the most excited part of it. Che Blaq, an upcoming Youtube artist, is making music news with his mind blowing soundtracks like "hold on", "Ready" and personally our favorite "Shoulda Left" .

This is one musician, who shows real love in his career and his music is pretty good. Check out his songs below and be sure to keep up with him on Youtube. There's an upcoming Interviewing with him soon:

Shoulda Left

Cheq Blaq - Hold on

For more of his music see below:

So what you think?

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  1. This dude has a very bright future a head of him! Digging hold one and shoulda left HOT TRACKS!!

  2. My friend sent me here, sweet!

  3. I swear to god this guy was a celebrity! WOW!!

  4. Love Love Love this song!!!!

  5. Shoulda Left is off the chain!


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