Chris Brown interview

Wendy Williams Saying: “There’s Something Very Devilish About Rihanna”

March 10, 2012Gossipwelove

Shock jock radio personality turned TV host Wendy Williams recently sat down with ThatGrapeJuice.TV, where she speaked out on a number of “hot topics” (in her words), including her rise in the industry, the criticism she faces constantly and more.

Wendy even gave her opinion on Chris Brown and Rihanna‘s recent musical reunion, and talked about Rihanna’s “devilish” ways.

On Chris Brown & Rihanna Reuniting…Musically:
[Rihanna's] no angel; he’s definitely no angel. I like Rihanna, but there’s something very devilish about Rihanna. Like, if I had a daughter I wouldn’t want her to be a fan of Rihanna – the person. The music is cool, but I’m able to separate the two. Chris Brown, the kid’s got a great voice he’s very very talented but very weird and very toxic to himself. So the two of them together is the perfect match (laughs). It’s a dangerous match but it’s perfect 
On Her Critics:
TGJ TV: Since launching the show you’ve garnered a lot of praise and the ratings have been great. That said, there are still some who critique how you got to that position. What’s your response to people like that?
Wendy: Well why would they critique me? I certainly didn’t have to lie on my back or get with anybody. If they are critiquing me on how I got to my position, it’s because they don’t know who I am. Whether you love me or hate me, there is one thing I will not allow people to do: critique the way I got here.
You know when girls sleep around to get to where they want, nowhere in my career have I slept with anybody. Nowhere have I taken what I have not deserved. I am a college graduate. I am a 47 year old woman. I have a body of work in radio that can stand up to any man or woman on the planet in radio. And I certainly have made strides enough to qualify for a daytime talk show.
So for the critics who criticize me, criticizing is one thing, you can criticize the way I do my show, you can criticize the way I talk or my hair, my big behind or whatever. But you cannot criticize how I got here, because I got here on merit. My momma and daddy know nobody in this business. I never knew anybody in this business; I got here from sleeping in my car, from walking through tunnels when that car would break down. I got here quietly listening and quietly observing my community and doing it. I know nobody, I didn’t get here through brown-nosing, I didn’t get here through screwing, I didn’t get here through an uncle who had connections. Nothing. So, to those critics… try somebody else to criticize.
[That Grape Juice TV]
Check out the full interview here

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  2. @Yes I said It I AGREE ON THAT 100%


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